
Our hearts are filled with gratitude for our SOS community.  Since our inception in 2008, we have come together to support over 1000 families in our BPS community with gift cards, pantry boxes, Thanksgiving dinners, assistance with utility and childcare bills, and more.

Season of giving

Thank you BPS Community for your generous gift card and cash donations to support our Annual Season of Giving.

Your donations will help 56 Birmingham Public Schools families have a brighter holiday season this year.

BLOOM Upcycle Boutique

Bloom Upcycle Boutique, located in the Seaholm cafeteria, is open weekly to Seaholm and all BPS students. Bloom encourages students to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. All items are free! Instead of paying for items at Bloom, students simply pass along a note of positivity and gratitude to a friend or staff member. 

Bloom runs on donations and is always looking for gently-used clothing (teen and adult size womens, mens, and gender neutral ) and any items high school students love such as jewelry, accessories, outerwear, and books.

Drop donations off in the Seaholm security vestibule at 2436 W. Lincoln from 8-3 PM on school days or contact Katie Parker ( to arrange for a pick up at your house (within a 5 mile radius of Seaholm). Please label items “Bloom.”


childcare support

SOS offers childcare assistance (up to $50 per month, per child) to help families in need.

Pantry Items

SOS works with Project Healthy Community, Gleaners, and other local organizations to provide pantry items to families in need.